Thursday 10 March 2011

Finished advert and Explanation

This is the final advert for my brand.
The ideologies I want to be attached to my advert are good quality, cheap and fun. The shade of the lipstick, which is quite bright implicates that she is fun. I've also used a teenage girl as my model which attracts a younger audience. Using a teenager as my model shows the target audience that I have used someone in their age bracket, which is ordinary like them so they can relate to the model. The anguish text at the bottom of my ad is part of my persuasive technique; also I have used personal and social appeal as persuasive techniques. Personal appeal because wearing this lipstick makes you feel and look great. Social appeal because you'll look great for others.
The needs I have addressed in my advert are self-esteem (which teenage girls lack), confidence (which teenage girls also lack), and creativity which almost all teenage girls strive for and respect by others which all teenage girls want. By having a person in my advert, I have tried to create someone that my target audience can relate to. I’ve used an ordinary, teenage girl who seems to not have anything spontaneous about her like other teenage girls out there but with a bright lipstick colour everything changes and she is shown to be fun, almost sultry.

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